The light pulse therapy technology has been tested for years and has always shows excellent results, but RUIKD has advanced the IPL system even further. The ORT ITONING device is equipped with signal calibration, meaning that all the sub-pulses within one pulse will consistently be of the same intensity and power. The device filters are made of special durable materials that are resistant to bumps and scratches. Consequently, the refraction of light through the filter always passes correctly and does not lose its properties and energy. The device is equipped with 4 replaceable filters that allow for epilation, rejuvenation, vascular removal, pigment removal, treatment of oily skin, acne and post-acne procedures.- 640 nm filter for hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
- 585 nm filter for dilated superficial blood vessels, redness, telangiectasia, wine spots (naevus flameus), red moles removal, skin rejuvenation.
- 530 nm filter for removing pigmentation of various origins, freckles, coffee spots (café au lait spots), skin color leveling
- 430 nm filter for acne and oily skin treatment

The principle of ORT procedure is primarily based on the effect of intense pulsing light on the hair and hair follicle. With the help of IPL, the follicle is heated to 70-80°C, which causes all the hair cells responsible for growth (primarily the cells of the hair papilla) to die and hair growth can no longer be resumed. The target cell (chromophore) in this case is melanin, which is also responsible for the color of the hair - the darker the hair, the more melanin it contains. Melanin has the function of high light absorption. That is why most of the light radiation is absorbed by the hair, leaving the remaining tissues intact.Rejuvenation
To obtain the effect of rejuvenation, it is necessary to start the process of tissue regeneration and collagen-elastin framework restoration. In order to achieve a bright effect and a solid result, the pulses of the ORT machine warm up the tissues in the deeper layers of the skin (at the level of collagen and elastin), thereby starting the process of restoring old collagen-elastin fibers and forming new ones.Vessel removal
The principle of removing vessels using ORT technologies is very simple and effective: the luminous flux is selectively absorbed by blood filaments – their walls gently heat up and stick together, as a result of which the vessel gradually ceases to function, and then disappears without a trace, without any undesirable consequences and the risk of scar formation. This method of removing blood vessels using ORT is applicable for the removal of small hemangiomas, wine stains, asterisks, surface small veins on the legs.Removal of pigments
To date, phototherapy is the most effective and safe tool for the treatment of most pigmented skin formations, the removal of age spots. It implements a non-invasive method of "pinpoint" destruction of cells with an increased pigment content. The technology of removing pigment spots by photo rejuvenation allows to eliminate the accumulation of melanin in a targeted and extremely selective manner, while avoiding unwanted mechanical and thermal damage to surrounding tissues. This method allows for a quick removal of surface pigment spots. Typically, these pigment spots turn black and exfoliate after the first procedure.Acne and oily skin treatment
Under the influence of light irradiation, new substances that attack the cells of the bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes, provoking the appearance of acne are formed in the layers of the skin. Depending on the size and the depth of the affected area, a course of 3 to 10 procedures may be required. Phototherapy is a very effective treatment, with up to 90% of acne removed during one course, even at an advanced stage.