The Slimming D-528 vacuum roller massager is a modern cosmetology device of the latest generation with the functions of chromo and thermotherapy. The device has received a wide range of applications: it is used in physiotherapy, cosmetology (both aesthetic and sports). The main application of the device is the correction and modeling of the body, the treatment of any stages of cellulite, and the increase in skin elasticity. The massage apparatus justifies the investment, as the result of the procedure is noticeable after the first application. In Slimming D-528, special programs (sessions) of the vacuum-roller massager are programmed to allow massage, both in pulsating and continuous modes. Remodulating and lipolytic programs are easy to change at any time - just press the button on the display of the vacuum massage machine. The vacuum massage device meets all the necessary safety requirements. Along with the vacuum roller massager, various physiotherapeutic techniques can be used, which are required to enhance the effect of the massager. Slimming D-528 uses local vacuum decompression, roller massage, chromotherapy, thermotherapy. A compressor with a manometer and a pressure sensor, a multifunctional system of treatment protocols, provide a step-by-step treatment procedure: elimination of congestion and lymphatic drainage - at the first stage, vacuum anti-cellulite massage - at the second stage.
Applicators, specially designed for this device, with the help of vacuum discharge, locally act on the skin flap with the help of movable rollers located along the perimeter of the maniple, causing a temporary expansion of venous and lymphatic vessels. The movement of the maniple along the massage lines ensures that the skin fold is rolled, which accelerates the removal of fluid and toxins from the intercellular space through the lymphatic vessels.

The package includes 3 special maniples of different diameters, which helps to more efficiently and selectively affect different parts of the body. The usual duration of vacuum massage of one zone is 15-20 minutes.
- cellulite
- local fat deposits
- microcirculation disorder
- puffiness
- decreased muscle tone
- sagging skin
- heaviness and fatigue of the legs
- lymphostasis
- stimulation of metabolic processes
The device is intended for cosmetic and therapeutic body care. The device complies with the requirements of the documentation set according to the product specification, the requirements of TR TS 004/2011, TR CU 020/2011
The package of the device includes 3 special maniples of different diameters, which helps to more efficiently and selectively affect different parts of the body. Special programs allow you to massage both in pulsating and continuous modes. Number of working maniples: 3 (large, medium, small) No special costume required for the client